Thursday, May 05, 2005

Up this May...........

Apart from Articles,News Items,Links and Photos you can expect more on

Yes.Cuddaloreonline brings you more features like Guest books,Hit Counters,Fast Facts,What they say,and ESSAYS.

This May Cuddaloreonline will bring essays on the following subjects

*Ways to get the aid of Indian Institute of Town Planners(IITP) to turn Cuddalore into a metropoly.
*Economic backwardness of Cuddalore-Reasons and Ways to get rid off
*Eco tourism-Making Cuddalore a tourism hub
*Ways to make Silver Beach the ultimate detination for tourists
*An essay about the Special Economic Zone(s) with reasons why Cuddalore can claim for one.
*History:Cuddalore Under British Regime.
*Fall of a harbour(an essay which vividly potrays the past glory of Cuddalore Harbour)

and more...........

If you wish to contribute any article or essay to this blog you are welcome.

Either I will approve you as a team member of this blog(in which case you can directly post messages on this blog) or mail your articles/essays to my email address and I will post it on this blog.

Take care

Stay blogged

Jean Claude Brisseau.

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