Two years back there was a discussion in the NDTV Message Central on
"Which is the cleanest beach in India ?", one message board user from Edinburgh had replied in the forum that Silver Beach in Cuddalore as a clean beach in India.
Silver Beach used to be a clean beach, but in the recent months it is getting more and more dirtier. Papers and plastic materials thrown out by people visiting beach forms the major portion of the garabage. Now this type of waste is reduced to a greater extend after effective steps taken by the district administration. But they form only a portion of the total lump. Materials used for rituals are left out in beach, after the ritual is over. Nowadays these waste materials are spread across the breadth of the beach.

The scene in the above photograph are more common if one happens to go to the beach in the morning hours. People come, perform the rituals, throw-away/leave behind whatever and wherever they feel like. As District Collector Mr.Gagandeep Singh Bedi pointed out , whatever steps the administration takes to improve the aesthetics and cleanliness of the town, if people do not cooperate, none of the programme can be successful.

Hi this is vijay my schoolg was in st.josephs main. Im here 2 find my old school friends. My chemistry teacher use 2 cal me nik by pudupalayam .i hope i wil find sum oldr friends turu tis website plz .ranganathan, guna, babuji, easwari,sangeetha
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